Xypex products play a key role in the prevention and treatment of problems common to the sanitary sewer collection system and the wastewater treatment plant.
However, the project team determined this approach limited long-term durability and effectiveness. In addition, other waterproofing admix products did not meet the testing standards for chemical resistance called for in the specification, whereas Xypex Bio-San did. The project engineer elected to use Xypex Bio-San to provide a comprehensive solution to address permanent waterproofing and microbial-induced corrosion (MIC) in the wastewater treatment facility.
The admixture combines the proven crystalline waterproofing technology with a permanent antimicrobial technology that inhibits the growth of acid-causing sewer bacteria, including Thiobacillus. The antimicrobial chemistry is uniformly dispersed throughout the paste fraction of the hardened concrete to protect against bacterial growth on the exposed surface of the concrete and throughout the entire concrete matrix.
Xypex Bio-San treated concrete structures provide permanent waterproofing, greater durability and extended service life while mitigating microbial-induced corrosion, providing substantial cost savings.
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