Precast Projects

Xypex Admix is blended into the concrete at time of batching enabling companies manufacturing precast products such as manholes, box culverts, pipe, architectural panels and highway median barriers to waterproof their products before they leave the plant.

Project Detail
  • Pennsylvania Turnpike

    Pennsylvania, USA

    Because of severe winter conditions and the extensive use of de-icing chemicals, the concrete median barriers and retaining walls of the Pennsylvania Turnpike were deteriorating at a very fast rate. After rigorous testing and evaluation of Xypex in their laboratories, the materials department of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission gave their approval of Xypex Admix to help solve the problem.

    In a 4-year program that involved the use of more than 1.5 million pounds of product, Xypex Admix was used in the 150 miles of precast concrete barriers and the 5 miles of retaining walls that serve the busy northeast U.S. connector. Xypex successfully addressed the problems of freeze-thaw deterioration and chloride ion attack by waterproofing, protecting, and enhancing the durability of the concrete from the moment it was poured.

    The Pennsylvania Turnpike contract is one of many pre-cast projects that has made effective use of Xypex Admix. The superior concrete waterproofing and durability enhancing qualities of Xypex Admix add substantial benefits to other pre-cast applications, including manholes, piping, water storage units and marine structures.

    Because Xypex Admix becomes an integral part of the concrete matrix from the moment the concrete is batched, problems such as water penetration, and aggressive chemical attack are prevented from the beginning. This offsets the need to deal with these frequent and costly problems...later.


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