
EKO Hotel Expansion Project

Victoria Island, Lagos

Xypex was asked to help repair and protect the concrete in the basement parking garage and lift shafts of the EKO Hotel after water leakage caused damage. The basement was built below the water table and is subjected to hydrostatic pressure. The leaks were coming from the floor slab construction joints and most of the edges along the wall to floor and column to floor areas. Xypex Patch'n Plug and Concentrate were used to make these repairs.

We don't always wave our green, environment-friendly flag, but Xypex, and its family of crystalline concrete waterproofing products have always had a warm relationship with their surroundings.

Being There in more than 90 countries for more than 50 years has given us a global understanding of environmental standards and expectations. We continue to support programs like ISO and building-rating systems like LEED that reinforce product quality, corporate responsibility and today's environmental concerns. To Xypex, Being There and Being Green are ongoing commitments.

Energy efficiency, material selection, minimizing site impact, and VOC reduction – these are the 'green' benefits that non-toxic Xypex products provide the construction world and the pursuit of environmental sustainability.

Material and Labor Reduction

Xypex Crystalline Waterproofing can be used as a concrete admixture thus eliminating the labor required to install membranes or coatings and significantly lowering costs and material requirements.

Recycling Concrete

Concrete waterproofed with Xypex crystalline products (coatings, dryshake or admix) is fully recyclable whereas concrete which has an adhered membrane cannot be recycled.

Permanent Solution

Unlike membranes and other surface coatings, Xypex Crystalline Waterproofing cannot be punctured or damaged during backfilling and does not deteriorate over time.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Xypex Crystalline Waterproofing contains no VOCs. This compares favorably with fluid applied membranes which contain significant amounts of VOCs. 

Atmospheric CO2 Reduction

Because cement production is a substantial contributor of atmospheric CO2, finding ways of reducing cement consumption is critical. High fly ash and slag replacement in the concrete mix design has gained much popularity. Xypex Admix C-500 waterproofing admixture is an effective waterproofing product in concrete with high fly ash content and slag cements. This allows for the use of high replacement mix designs.


    Lymex Ltd
    Tel: +234 (0) 81 3026 5939
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