
EKO Hotel Expansion Project

Victoria Island, Lagos

Xypex was asked to help repair and protect the concrete in the basement parking garage and lift shafts of the EKO Hotel after water leakage caused damage. The basement was built below the water table and is subjected to hydrostatic pressure. The leaks were coming from the floor slab construction joints and most of the edges along the wall to floor and column to floor areas. Xypex Patch'n Plug and Concentrate were used to make these repairs.

More than 50 years ago, demonstrating some brilliant ingenuity, a group of chemists at Xypex Chemical Corporation developed a technology that would change the way concrete is protected from intrusive liquids.

Basic to the development of Xypex Crystalline Technology was a thorough understanding of concrete's chemical and physical makeup. Concrete is porous. Its tunnel-like capillaries are a natural part of its mass, and permit the passage of water and other liquids. Researchers at Xypex recognized the opportunity for a chemical treatment that would fill these capillaries to prevent the penetration of water and other liquids from any direction. By means of diffusion, the reactive chemicals in Xypex products use water as a migrating medium to enter and travel down the capillaries of the concrete. This process precipitates a chemical reaction between Xypex, moisture and the by-products of cement hydration, forming a new non-soluble crystalline structure. This integral structure fills the capillary tracts rendering the concrete waterproof.

The fact that Xypex Crystalline Technology is now specified and used on thousands of diverse waterproofing projects around the globe is a testament to the original concept. Crystalline waterproofing technology was an idea that grew because Xypex chemists questioned what concrete was all about and found a way to make it better. Today, we continue the tradition.
  • Introduction to Xypex Crystalline Technology

    By means of diffusion, the reactive chemicals in Xypex products use water as a migrating medium to enter and travel down the capillaries of the concrete. This process precipitates a chemical reaction between Xypex, moisture and the by-products of cement hydration, forming a new non-soluble crystalline structure. This integral structure fills the capillary tracts rendering the concrete waterproof.
  • Xypex Crystalline Technology Animation

    How Xypex Crystalline Technology works to waterproof and protect concrete continues to hold the interest and fascination of concrete specifiers and contractors, worldwide. By way of a highly magnified view of one capillary, the animation illustrates how Xypex penetrates concrete and how the catalytic reaction that results ultimately leads to the formation of insoluble crystals and a concrete structure that is permanently waterproofed even against extreme hydrostatic pressure.

    Matthew Garrad

    SMR Projects Ltd.
    Tel: +44 (0) 1684 577 756
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