Dams & Irrigation
The Rihand Dam
Sonebhadra, Uttar Pradesh
In the spillway, cracks and construction joints were chipped out as per the specification to repair it with a first layer of Xypex
Patch’n Plug followed by a second layer of Xypex
Megamix II. Nozzles were also fixed along the cracks, construction joints and honeycombed concrete which were grouted with a specified mix of Xypex
Admix C-2000 NF, cement and fine silica. Xypex Megamix II was then applied to the entire surface of the spillway and a two coat application of Xypex
Concentrate was applied to the mortar repaired surface to provide extra protection.
The same technique was used in both the piers and the top of the dam. A total of 57,000 kg of Xypex Patch’n Plug were used to repair cracks and joints. Xypex Megamix II was applied at a thickness of 12.5 mm to resurface 14,000 m
2 of deteriorated concrete surface. Xypex Concentrate was applied to an area of over 21,000 m
2 to provide final protection to the concrete.
Each phase of the repairs of the Spillway, Dam Top and Piers was constantly monitored and guided by the engineers of the UP Irrigation Department (UPID) and UP Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd. (UPJVN). Various senior officials from Government of Uttar Pradesh, the Indian Institute of Technology (Kanpur) and the CSMRS (New Delhi) also inspected the ongoing works. As a result of the collective efforts, the rehabilitation works of Rihand Dam, by
Xypex Crystalline Technology resulted in the strengthening and durability enhancement of Rihand Dam requiring no further major rehabilitation in the long term.