
Mulago Radiation Bunker – Uganda Cancer Institute


The slabs ranged from 400 mm to 2.4 m thickness by design but due to developments of cracks began to leak. Through our local distributors, six pails of Xypex Patch’n Plug were used to treat all joints and cracks with 30 pails of Xypex Concentrate brush applied over the 740 m2 of roof slab to a rate of approximately 1.0 kg/m2. All the cracks were sealed, leakages on the slab stopped and the bunkers waterproofed against water ingress.

  • admix-brochure

    Admix C-Series

    Xypex Admix is a specialty product that is blended into the concrete at the time of batching. It outperforms other methods because of its unique ability to become a truly integral part of the concrete matrix. Utilizing Xypex’s world-renowned crystalline technology, Xypex Admix seals the primary paths by which water and aggressive chemicals penetrate, attack, and ultimately threaten the long-term integrity of the concrete structure.

    Jonathan Tugume

    Tel: +256 772 630 834
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