Project Detail
  • Alexandria Water Company Water Treatment

    Alexandria, Egypt

    To ensure the success of the project, Prof. Dr. Ashraf Ragab was enlisted as a consultant. Protection against chlorine, a chemical used in the treatment of drinking
    water, was an essential consideration to maintain the integrity of the facilities. By waterproofing with Xypex crystalline products, the company enhanced the reliability
    and performance of the water stations, ensuring the continued delivery of clean and safe water to the region.

    Xypex sets itself apart with its Crystalline Technology, offering a revolutionary approach to concrete waterproofing. Unlike traditional methods that can fail over time, Xypex becomes a permanent part of the concrete, capable of self-healing cracks up to 0.5 mm and reactivating in wet conditions for lasting durability. Its flexible application, from either side of concrete surfaces, eliminates the limitations of preformed membranes and cuts down on costs by obviating the need for additional protective layers. Moreover, Xypex's resistance to chemical damage and deterioration makes it a more efficient, durable, and cost-effective solution for waterproofing than conventional options.


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