Project Detail
  • Al-Faihaa Building

    Khartoum, Sudan

    After witnessing the efficacy of Xypex products in similar rehabilitations in neighboring buildings, the building owner, Faisal Islamic Sudanese Bank, decided to use Xypex products due to their unparalleled ability to waterproof concrete structures, permanently. The scope of the treatment encompassed 1,646 m2 of the leaking basement and attached concrete water tank. The application of Xypex Concentrate and Xypex Patch'n Plug was pivotal in addressing the water ingress issues. 

    Xypex Patch'n Plug, a fast-setting hydraulic cement mix for concrete patching and repair, was used to effectively stop flowing water within seconds. Then, Xypex Concentrate, a cementitious mix applied as a slurry coat that works on positive or negative side applications, rendered the concrete permanently waterproofed, chemically resistant, and capable of self-healing cracks up to 0.5 mm. As Xypex products do not require a dry surface, they were able to be applied without waiting for the concrete to be dry. 

    The strategic application of these materials not only solved the immediate problem of water infiltration but also provided a lasting solution that prevents future water intrusion, even under the challenging conditions of high groundwater pressure. The successful implementation of the unique Xypex Crystalline Technology significantly enhanced the structural integrity of the Al-Faihaa Building, ensuring the safety and comfort of its occupants, and marking a definitive end to the longstanding water leakage issues.


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